Howlite Chakra: Healing Properties and Meaning Revealed

Howlite Chakra: Healing Properties and Meaning Revealed

What is Howlite?

A beautiful, calming white stone with delicate veining, howlite was first discovered in Nova Scotia. Its name is derived from Henry How, an 18th-century chemist, and mineralogist. Native Americans used it centuries before for tools and ornamentation due to its durability and stunning appearance.

What Chakra Is Associated with Howlite?

The primary chakra linked to howlite is the crown chakra, which is situated at the top of your head. The crown chakra represents spiritual connection, enlightenment, and higher consciousness. It is thought to be the gateway between the physical and spiritual realms. When the crown chakra is in balance, we are said to be more in tune with our intuition and our spiritual nature and may experience a deeper sense of peace and well-being.

Healing Properties of Howlite

Howlite is said to have many healing properties, both physical and emotional. Some of these potential properties include:

  • Physical Healing: It is thought to promote restful sleep, relieve stress, and anxiety, and help with bone, tooth, and skin conditions.
  • Emotional Healing: It is believed to be useful for calming and soothing emotions, reducing anger and irritability, and promoting patience and understanding.
  • Spiritual Healing: It is said to enhance spiritual awareness, promote communication with your higher self and spirit guides, and facilitate astral travel.

How to Use Howlite

There are many ways to use howlite to benefit from its potential healing properties. Here are some common methods:

  • Jewelry: Wearing howlite jewelry, such as bracelets, necklaces, or earrings, is a great way to keep it close to your body and allow its energy to circulate.
  • Meditation and Chakra Work: Holding a piece of howlite in your hands or placing it on your crown chakra während meditation can help you open and clear this chakra.
  • Feng Shui: Placing howlite in the north area of your home or workspace is believed to promote calmness and clarity.


The information provided in this article is for informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice. Always consult with a qualified healthcare professional before using any alternative therapies or treatments.